Configuration ============= Passie configuration files are ``yaml`` files. Passpie supports local and global configuration files. To set a local database. global passpie configuration files lives in ``~/.passpierc`` while local configuration files lives in database directory as a ``.config`` file. Examples -------- Full passpie configuration file +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. code-block:: yaml path: ~/.passpie homedir: ~/.gnupg autopull: null autopush: null copy_timeout: 0 extension: .pass genpass_pattern: "[a-z]{5} [-_+=*&%$#]{5} [A-Z]{5}" headers: - name - login - password - comment aliases: st: status rm: remove ls: list colors: login: green name: yellow key_length: 4096 recipient: null repo: true status_repeated_passwords_limit: 5 table_format: fancy_grid Partial configuration file ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. code-block:: yaml recipient: copy_timeout: 10 extension: .gpg table_format: rst Debugging --------- For debugging, it might be useful to check actual passpie configuration for your commands:: # Global configuration found on ~/.passpierc passpie config global # Local configuration found on $PASSPIE_DATABASE/.config passpie config local Current config ++++++++++++++ Current configuration with all overriden variables:: passpie config current OR:: passpie config .. .. note:: If you have pygments installed, to have colored output on the config:: passpie config | pygmentize -l YAML Options ------- ``path`` ----------------------------------- | **Default:** ``~/.passpie`` | **Description:** Path to default database. | ``homedir`` ----------------------------------- | **Default:** ``~/.gnupg`` | **Description:** Path to default gnupg homedir. | ``autopull`` ----------------------------------- | **Default:** ``null`` | **Description:** Automatically pull changes from remote git repository. | ``autopush`` ----------------------------------- | **Default:** ``null`` | **Description:** Automatically pull changes from remote git repository. | ``recipient`` ----------------------------------- | **Default:** ``null`` | **Description:** GnuPG defaul recipient. This can be a fingerprint/emai/name. | ``extension`` ----------------------------------- | **Default:** ``.pass`` | **Description:** Password files extension | ``copy_timeout`` ----------------------------------- | **Default:** ``0`` | **Description:** Automatically clear clipboard after n seconds | ``genpass_pattern`` ----------------------------------- | **Default:** ``"[a-z]{5} [-_+=*&%$#]{5} [A-Z]{5}"`` | **Description:** Regex pattern for password random generation | ``table_format`` ----------------------------------- | **Default:** ``fancy_grid`` | **Description:** Render table format | Supported table formats: - plain - simple - grid - fancy_grid - pipe - orgtbl - jira - psql - rst - mediawiki - moinmoin - html - latex - latex_booktabs - textile ``headers`` ----------------------------------- | **Default:** ``[name, login, password, comments]`` | **Description:** Column names to show on table | ``hidden`` ----------------------------------- | **Default:** ``[password]`` | **Description:** Column names to hide values when printing. Uses ``hidden_string`` as replaced text | ``hidden_string`` ----------------------------------- | **Default:** ``********`` | **Description:** Text to be used with ``hidden`` as replacement for hidden columns | ``colors`` ----------------------------------- | **Default:** ``{login: green, name: yellow}`` | **Description:** Table column colors Supported color names: - black (might be a gray) - red - green - yellow (might be an orange) - blue - magenta - cyan - white (might be light gray) - reset (reset the color code only) ``aliases`` ----------------------------------- | **Default:** ``{}`` | **Description:** Aliases to commands. Example configuration: .. code-block:: yaml aliases: st: status rm: remove a: add u: update l: log We can then run our configuration with the short commands:: passpie rm foo@bar ``key_length`` ----------------------------------- | **Default:** ``4096`` | **Description:** AES encryption key length .. warning:: Use a strong primary key. Some people still have 1024-bit AES keys. You really should transition to a stronger bit-length and hashing algo. It is recommend to make a 2048 or 4096-bit key. Also have a look at `GnuPG documentation `_ on keys ``repo`` ----------------------------------- | **Default:** ``true`` | **Description:** Automatically create a git repository in database on initialization | ``status_repeated_passwords_limit`` ----------------------------------- | **Default:** ``5`` | **Description:** Number of credentials to show on the repeated column of status