Welcome to Passpie ================== .. image:: ../images/passpie2.png :align: center :width: 100% Passpie is a command line tool to manage passwords from the terminal with a colorful and configurable interface. Use a master passphrase to decrypt login credentials, copy passwords to clipboard, syncronize with a git repository, check the state of your passwords, and more. Password files are encrypted using `GnuPG `_ and saved into yaml text files. Passpie supports **Linux**, **OSX** and **Windows**. What does it look like? Here is an example of a simple Passpie usage:: passpie init passpie add foo@example.com --random passpie add bar@example.com --pattern "[0-9]{5}[a-z]{5}" passpie update foo@example --comment "Hello" passpie Outputs:: ╒═════════════╤═════════╤════════════╤═══════════╕ │ Name │ Login │ Password │ Comment │ ╞═════════════╪═════════╪════════════╪═══════════╡ │ example.com │ bar │ ***** │ │ ├─────────────┼─────────┼────────────┼───────────┤ │ example.com │ foo │ ***** │ Hello │ ╘═════════════╧═════════╧════════════╧═══════════╛ Features -------- | ★ Add, update, remove credentials | ★ Manage multiple databases. Locally and remotely | ★ Copy passwords to clipboard or to stdout | ★ List credentials as a table with colored output | ★ Search credentials by name, login, comments or regulax expresions | ★ Group credentials by name | ★ `Configuration `_ with ``~/.passpie`` or ``.config`` | ★ Version control passpie databases using git | ★ Change passphrase and re-encrypt database | ★ `Export credentials `_ | ★ `Import credentials `_ | ★ Generate random passwords | ★ Generate database status report | ★ BASH/ZSH/FISH completion | ★ Undo/Redo changes to the database. (requires `git `_) | ★ Set a personal gpg key recipient | ★ Per database keyring .. note:: This repository is open source and is available on `GitHub`_. We would love contributions. .. _GitHub: https://github.com/marcwebbie/passpie Documentation Contents ---------------------- This part of the documentation guides you through all of the passpie usage patterns. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 getting_started configuration contributing bugs_and_questions faq Miscellaneous Pages ------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 changelog license